Patch simulation set and series

A group of simulation series is called a set. A setup file can only contain one set. A simulation series is a group of simulations that only differ in the random seed. Each series includes additional tags that define various parts of the series. A set can include multiple series tags.

<set prefix="[PREFIX]">
    <series name="[NAME]" start="[START]" end="[END]"
            radius="[RADIUS]" depth="[DEPTH]" margin="[MARGIN]"
            ticks="[TICKS]" interval="[INTERVAL]">
prefix prefix for all series names string ””
name name of the simulation series for output files string  
start starting random seed integer 0
end ending random seed integer 0
radius radius of the simulation environment integer 1
depth depth of the simulation environment integer 1
margin simulation environment margin integer 0
ticks total number of simulation ticks integer 100
interval number of ticks between snapshots integer 50

The radius and depth attributes are converted to length, width, and height based on the simulation geometry. Values for radius and margin must be even and depth must be odd; if not, given values will be rounded to the nearest even or odd value.

Spatial scaling ds and dz are automatically set based on simulation geometry. Temporal scaling dt is assumed to be 1 min/tick.

Example: Set with single series

Specifies a simulation set with one simulation series. Series A is simulated with random seeds 0, 1, 2.

<set prefix="SET_">
    <series name="A" start="0" end="2">
        <!-- Simulation series produces outputs: SET_A_0000, SET_A_0001, SET_A_0002 -->

Example: Set with multiple series

Specifies a simulation set with three simulation series. Series A is simulated with random seeds 0, 1, 2. Series B is simulated with random seed 2. Series C is simulated with random seeds 1 and 2.

<set prefix="SET_">
    <series name="A" start="0" end="2">
        <!-- Simulation series produces outputs: SET_A_0000, SET_A_0001, SET_A_0002 -->
    <series name="B" start="2" end="2">
        <!-- Simulation series produces outputs: SET_B_0002 -->
    <series name="C" start="1" end="2">
        <!-- Simulation series produces outputs: SET_C_0001, SET_C_0002 -->